Meet and Greet With Consular Section Embassy of USA

Today on 15 December 2021 our company invited by USA Embassy to attend meet and greet. In the event we discussing about recruiting process, how to fill DS-160 form, and issues related USA visa processing.

The summary is :

How to fill DS-160 form

  • Personal info section : home telephone, email, and address must filled with crew data personal, not manning agent
  • Travel information : have the applicant ever visit america? fill with acurate data eventhough they only transit. Check the stamp in the passport to see date of entry. If there’s no stamp or forgot because the entry long time ago, fill estimation date.
  • US contact info : filled with principal / agent in the US
  • Work and education : present work –> agent name, monthly salary –> in IDR, education –> start from high school, no need fill elementary school. If the applicant hasn’t finished the highschool then fill with last education / training.
  • Photo : latest foto max 6 month
  • Sign & Submit –> must reviewed fist and the applicant who click submit the form.


Note :

– DS-160 must match with in the details in Letter guarantee, contract, name vessel, etc
– fill the details who help fill the DS-160
– There’s Expedited Appointment, you can check the details on the website > Expedited Appointment
– There’s Group Appointments, you can check the details on the website > Group appointments
– Waiver program visa valid until 48 months from expired date

We also discussing about :

how percentage the new hires seaman and how to get qualified/trained seaman.

In our company there’s certificates requirement and usually our principal request the crew who experience with same type of vessel. So we find a suitable candidate with similar experience and check the candidate performance through previous company and also we hiring new candidate through our crew refferal. our new hires percentage around 5%. We get new hires through referral, applicant database. We spread vacancies through sosial media and website.


Is there incentives system to attract returning seaman.

Most of our principal offering seniority bonus and rejoining bonus to attract ex-crew to rejoin.


What’s the fee charged to the crew

Crew only paid fee to maintain their personal documents/certificates. such as passport, seamanbook, and certificates. USA Visa fee can reimbursed onboard.

That’s all information about the event.


We hope we can keep good relationship with others parties.

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