Haidir Al'afanieManaging Director
Mr D. Haidir Al’afanie’s Capacity:
- Strong Leadership Skill
- Monitoring implementation of policy and reaching companies’ strategic purpose
- As a formal representative from company to manage all departments and help protecting company consistency
- Defining company policy about national and international regulation
- Providing qualified human resources and ship personnel to fulfil company policiy
A graduate from The Academic of Industrial Management (Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan) Jakarta, in Bachelor of Financial Management 1986, attended a part time professional course in relevant to ISO 9001:2008 and self-taught person on Shipping Industry (Including: STCW’95, IMO/ ILO Regulation and few ITF Crewing Section, etc).
PT Adicipta Bangun Mandiri (ABM JAKARTA) comes up with results that are actually implementable. That is their strength compared to other manning companies.
Acquiring the experiences more than ten years on recruiting qualified Indonesian seafarer’s and supplying to various shipping company of the world. He posses a strong will power and integrity and the pursuance for excellent including the vision to success.